Falling Trash feature image.

Privacy Policy.

Data policy for Falling Trash game on Google Play Store.

What data is collected?

Device ID, Gamer tag that you enter, in game scores you achieve.

Why is this required?

Everyone can see each other's high scores on the leader boards to compete with each other.

When you play "competitive" mode, you will get asked to enter a gamer tag at the end of each game. This gamer tag and the score you achieved will be visible to everyone else with the game. Your game tag can be different every time you get a score and nobody knows who you are.
However, on your device, you will see all your scores highlighted in yellow.

Since we do not have user accounts, all your scores are tied to your device ID.

This is what enables the app to highlight your highest scores in the leader board and show your rank compared to others.

Can I have my scores with device ID and gamer tags deleted?

We have no way to identify what data is actually yours, so any request to delete your scores can not be processed.

How is data transmitted?

Data is not encrypted in transit. As students, we did not actually have the ability to do this at the time 😅 nor did it seem necessary as it is going to be publicly visible on the games leader board anyway.

No data is willingly shared to any 3rd parties at all for any reason.

Where is the data stored?

The database is provided by a secure Web Hosting service on a server located in Asia - Singapore.